Category: Adventures

Perth weekend August 2014

The gloomy Saturday forecast came true with overcast and drizzle but plenty of brave souls showed up to allow 5 wayfarers, the keel boat and safety boat to head up river. An immediate squall...

St. Andrews

The latest club cruising adventure saw 4 wayfarers & the safety boat head for St Andrews on Sunday. Again gloomy forecasts proved unfounded with lots of sun and, after a slow start, a lovely...

Newburgh Sail

The weather gods smiled for the weekend Newburgh camping trip, with 7 wayfarers heading off on the incoming tide for a beach upriver near the ruins of Ballinbreich Castle, east of Newburgh. A gentle breeze...

Duncan & Tam’s Excellent Adventure

Inspired by stories of Wayfarer voyages of yesteryear to the north of England and circumnavigating the Isle of Jura by legendary travelling members Paul Deacon, Bill Clark and Adrian Young, with a more recent...